

FUKEKŌ Tanagawa Line

Trains stopping at this station

Tanagawa Line
  • Local

Barrier-free Information

Wheelchair-accessible restroom
Ostomate Restroom
Nursing Bed
Mobility Scooters
Regular stocked Wheelchairs
Braille Guide

Assignment time of station staff

Station staff are absent all day.


    Please use the intercom to call staff.


Information of surrounding facilities

In May 1944, at the strong request of the military, Nankai Railway and Kansai Express Railway merged and became "Kinki Nippon Railway". At the same time, the Tanagawa branch line was opened for the purpose of transporting employees of munitions factories and military personnel, and this station opened. The munitions factories were dismantled after the war, and the Kansai Electric Power Tanagawa Thermal Power Station was built on the coast, which had the conditions for a good natural harbor. "Kozenji" and "Richiin" are about 15 minutes by bus from the station. The seated statue of Dainichi Nyorai, the principal image of Kozenji, has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan, and in Richiin, there are many items related to the Toyotomi family, such as Hideyoshi's wooden statue and Hideyori's childhood book "Toyokuni Daimyojin."

Information of Tanagawa Station


2290 Tanagawa, Misaki-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka

Neighborhood Map