

Trains stopping at this station

Koya Line
  • Rapid Express
  • Express
  • Local

Barrier-free Information

Wheelchair-accessible restroom
Ostomate Restroom
Nursing Bed
Mobility Scooters
Regular stocked Wheelchairs
Braille Guide

Assignment time of station staff

Station staff are absent all day.


    Please use the intercom to call staff.


Information of surrounding facilities

In March 1925, the Koyasan Electric Railway was established with the aim of laying a railway from Koyashita to Koyasan. Shimokosawa station opened in June 1928 with the opening of the section between Koyashita and Kamiya (now Kii-Kamiya).The name of the station comes from Shimokosawa village, which was the name of the place at that time. Around 100 houses used to make paper in this area as a production area of ​​Koya paper, a handmade Japanese paper. Currently there is only one house that makes the paper, and in Kudoyama Town, in the precincts of Shochiji Temple (the nearest station is Kudoyama Station), ``Shiyuen'' was opened as a paper museum and experience room, and this traditional culture handed down by ancestors will be passed on to future generations.

Information of Shimokosawa Station


Oaza Shimokosawa, Kudoyama-cho, Ito-gun, Wakayama Prefecture

Neighborhood Map