

Trains stopping at this station

Kada Line
  • Local
  • Medetai Densha

Kada Sakana Line

Kada Line(Kada Sakana Line)Sightseeing Train Medetai Densha

Barrier-free Information

Wheelchair-accessible restroom
Ostomate Restroom
Nursing Bed
Mobility Scooters
Regular stocked Wheelchairs
Braille Guide

Assignment time of station staff

Station staff are absent all day.


    Please use the intercom to call staff.


Information of surrounding facilities

In June 1912, Naka-Matsue station opened at the same time as the opening of the Kada Light Railway. It is said that the name "Matsue" comes from the fact that pine trees were planted on the long and narrow strait formed by the receding coastline to protect against the wind and tides, and that there was a cove between the strait and the land. The Kamayama Burial Mounds, located about 1.5km north of the station, are designated as a historical site in Wakayama Prefecture and consist of three burial mounds: the Kamayama Burial Mounds, the Shakanokoshi Burial Mounds, and the Chausuyama Burial Mounds. "Kasuga Shrine", located just south of the station, was once called "Nankai Shrine" and was about 100 meters southeast, but it is said that it was relocated to its current location after being hit by a tsunami.

Information of Naka-Matsue Station



3-3-1 Matsuenaka, Wakayama City

Neighborhood Map